Idea Screening

Idea Screening

Idea Screening


Idea screening reduces (i.e., screens) many ideas (e.g., 15, 20, or more) into two groups: those worth pursuing vs. those that should be set aside. Ideas may be prioritized using traditional measures (i.e., purchase interest), or through more sophisticated statistical or volumetric projection analyses.

Typical Client Questions/Issues

  • Our R&D team has developed a new technology with consumer applications. Which ones deserve more attention, and which ones should we ignore?
  • We have an opportunity to buy patents for new products from a competitor. Which one should we focus on? What are they worth?
  • We have 20 new product ideas. Which ideas appeal to the most people?
  • Which will be most profitable?
  • We have 10 new flavors for our new fruit drink line. The grocery chains will only take five. Which five should they be?

InnProbe's Approach

  • InnoProbe’s unique approach to idea screening involves reducing a large number of potential ideas (e.g., 15, 20, or more) into those worth pursuing vs. those that should be rejected.
  • Ideas are brief and factually state a problem and how it might solve it.
  • Ideas are typically not branded. They may or may not include a basic visual, price, quantity, size, or packaging information.
  • Ideas are screened based on survey question (i.e., purchase interest, uniqueness), or through volumetric projections and statistical analysis.
  • We then prioritize the most promising and compelling ideas and end-benefits for the client.

InnProbe's Measures

  • Concept screening can be conducted at any time if there are enough ideas to test.
  • Concepts that meet objectives on specific measures (e.g., purchase interest) are recommended to receive additional resources. These continue on to the next stage of product development (typically concept testing).
  • Clients can also take promising ideas into a round of qualitative research (e.g., focus groups) to better understand consumer reactions, and further develop the ideas and language.
  • Profiling among different demographic groups (age, sex, region, income) is also integral to the analysis.

Case Studies

Diet Program:

InnoProbe was retained by a widely recognized diet program to assess a range of new product ideas in the weight loss category. In particular, the ideas ranged from meal preparation kits to nutritional supplements to personal weight loss coaching and routine check-ins at a local franchise location. The results of the research identified several ideas within three subcategories, each one targeted to a different type of individual seeking to lose weight. In 30% of the cases, a prepackaged meal plan was the most desirable. In 50% of the cases, potential subscribers were most interested in having personal coaching along with a closely monitored dietary and nutrition program. The remaining 20% of respondents interested in weight loss were primarily focused on nutritional supplements and exercise. The company then re designed its programs around these three different models to maximize consumer appeal and sales potential.



Idea screening is not necessarily limited to testing ideas, but rather the construction of ideas. More specifically, if a company is interested in entering a market, one of the ways it can determine if consumer needs are not being met is to assess the desirability of features or benefits that are not currently offered. Benefit screening involves the exposure of these kernels” target consumers. Multivariate statistical analysis, such as factor analysis or regression analysis, are used to identify groups who are not having their needs met.