Customer Satisfaction & Tracking

Customer Satisfaction & Tracking

Customer Satisfaction & Tracking


Customer satisfaction research is a form of tracking conducted on an ongoing basis using survey research to collect feedback either after a transaction or to gather consumer measures of brand health over time. Tracking is appropriate for new or established brands, and for B2C and B2B businesses.

Typical Client Questions/Issues

  • How satisfied are my customers overall, and as compared to my key competitors?
  • What are the specific areas where we are doing well, and where are there opportunities to improve our product or service delivery?
  • What specific drivers of satisfaction are most influential in increasing our satisfaction levels with customers?
  • How does satisfaction differ between those who use us more frequently versus less frequently? How does customer satisfaction relate to our sales growth or profitability?

InnProbe's Approach

  • InnoProbe conducts customer satisfaction research in many categories.
  • These range from monitoring new brands in small markets, to established brands with national distribution.
  • Most large, nationally distributed consumer and B2B brands routinely use customer satisfaction programs to monitor brand health – and those of their competitors.
  • Customer satisfaction studies are also used in conjunction with sales data and media spending to paint a complete picture of brand health.
  • Typically, there are no stimuli for tracking studies (other than the questionnaire) – but there are exceptions in highly fragmented categories.

InnProbe's Measures

  • Two basic tracking designs are used: point-in-time, and continuous.
  • Point-in-time studies are conducted as waves, generally quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
  • Continuous tracking is ongoing, with interviews conducted each week or month, and then “rolled-up” in much the same way as retail sales data is collected and reported.
  • One of the most common tools used to measure customer satisfaction is known as the Net Promoter score, or NPS.
  • Overall satisfaction is linked to tracking measures. These, in turn, are linked to “upstream” processes in sales, marketing, and manufacturing.

Case Studies


InnoProbe conducts customer satisfaction for one of the country’s best known direct grocers. Shopper transactional data is appended to survey responses to give management a total view of what is on customers’ minds. Feedback is triggered when a transaction occurs, with surveys sent to households Within 24 hours of a purchase. Feedback is aggregated weekly, and transactional information is merged with survey data. Over time, historical benchmarks were established for a range of measures, including net promoter score (“NPS”) type measures, as well as measurements of specific categories such as produce quality, brand selection, packaging, in-house brands, and navigation of the site itself. Survey research forms an extremely important source of information to present a broad picture of how the company is performing.


Industrial Products:

A major manufacturer of heavy equipment routinely conducts a global customer and dealer satisfaction study. There was just one problem: their research firm did not know how to analyze the data. InnoProbe was retained to perform a massive data cleaning and preparation and time series alignment, resulting in significant new learning for the company. Following several waves of revised data collection, the company reported more insights into issues affecting customers in specific regions of the globe, and in specific product lines. Our analysis of their data revealed opportunities to improve communication with customers, make improvements in the pre-and post-sales experience, and identify specific action steps to improve the sales process.