Concept Testing

Concept Testing

Concept Testing


Concept testing is designed to diagnose, in detail, the performance of a complete product description. In this environment, concepts represent products that will be launched in the marketplace, and are used to evaluate strategy, messaging, pricing, and features. Results are used to assess appeal, features that are most motivating, advertising and messaging, and the most receptive consumers.

Typical Client Questions/Issues

  • If we stress new features and benefits in this version of our concept, will it have more appeal than previous approaches?
  • What is the best mix of features and benefits that we should include in our product line?
  • Will this product increase market share, decrease market share, or simply cannibalize shear from other brands?
  • How do we know if our concept performed well? Do we have benchmarks or other comparisons that we should use when considering product launch?

InnProbe's Approach

  • InnoProbe’s unique approach to concept screening involves evaluating and diagnosing a complete branded idea.
  • A test may involve just a single idea, or several ideas, or many ideas. The method of exposure varies depending on the category and target audience.
  • InnoProbe has extensive experience in testing different concepts and in interpreting research results.
  • Both “evaluative” and “diagnostic” measures are used, so concept tests include both hard metrics and reasons why (and more measures than concept screening).

InnProbe's Measures

  • Purchase interest and reasons why.
  • Main point communication.
  • Voluntary positives (e.g., likes, advantages) and negatives (e.g., dislikes, disadvantages).
  • Value, uniqueness, superiority, believability, relevance.
  • Degree of fit with company image.
  • Expected frequency of use, HH members who might use, anticipated purchase frequency.
  • Usage occasions/situations.
  • Attribute ratings.
  • Attitudinal, classification, and demographic questions.

Case Studies

Snack Food:

A major manufacturer of “grab and go” snack foods was interested in new packaging and flavor options for buyers of granola bars. InnoProbe utilized A concept testing approach in which a subset of a larger group is shown and evaluated on a series of measures, such as purchase interest, value, uniqueness, superiority, anticipated frequency of use, and a brief set of attribute ratings. In some cases, the brand in question was already in the market, and some of the options were simply flavor extensions of the existing brand. In these cases, and analysis known as total unduplicated reach and frequency (TURF) was conducted in order to determine which flavor added more incremental users than other flavors that were presented. The top performing products then progressed to R&D, and ultimately into an in-store test.


Financial Services:

Concept testing is also sometimes combined with strategic research, in which basic ideas are shown as part of the broader exploratory process of a new category. In one case, when understanding the market for credit cards, several new credit card concept ideas were presented to consumers. In this case, overall reactions to each of the concept ideas was obtained, as well as profiling concept appeal by various segments that were identified during the course of the research, such as those who were more interested in airline points versus cash back versus points that could be used at top retailers. Additional concept refinement was indicated, and the final credit card offering was optimized for the market.