
InnoProbe Insight


Question Types

Question Type
Multiple Choice
Ask people to choose one answer from your list of answer choices.
Let people select multiple answers from your list of answer choices.
Image Choice
Ask people to choose one or more image answers from your list of image answer choices.
Provide a dropdown list of answer choices and ask people to choose one answer. This is a great way to save space if you have a long list of options, like country, state, or province.
Star Rating
Ask respondents to evaluate a statement on a visual scale of stars, hearts, thumbs, or smilies.
Matrix/Rating Scale
Use a Matrix/Rating Scale question if you want respondents to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices. You can set the matrix question to collect multiple answers or only one answer per row. You also have the option to turn the matrix question into a rating scale when you want to assign weights to each answer choice.
File Upload
Allow respondents to attach a file to their response.
Ask respondents to rate an item or statement on a numerical scale by dragging an interactive slider.
Matrix of Dropdown Menus
Ask respondents to evaluate several items using the same set of measurements. They can choose an answer from a preset list of answer choices presented in a dropdown menu.
Best Worst Scale
A closed-ended question that asks survey takers to select the best and worst option from a list of items. This lets you find out what survey takers value.
Ask respondents to rank a list of options in the order they prefer using numeric dropdown menus or drag-and-drop.
Net Promoter® Score
Ask your customers the Net Promoter® Score question to measure customer satisfaction with your organization, brand, product or service. We’ll calculate your score automatically when you analyze your results.
Single Textbox
Add a single textbox to your survey when you want respondents to write in a short text or numerical answer to your question. You can also specify answer length, and require and validate a number value, date format, or email address.
Multiple Textboxes
Collect multiple short text or numerical answers with a single question. You can also specify answer length, and require and validate a number value, date format, or email address.
Comment Box
Use the comment or essay box to collect open-ended, written feedback from respondents.
Contact Information
Use this question type to collect a respondent’s relevant contact information, including name, address, email, and phone number.
Ask respondents to enter a specific date and/or time.
Insert additional text to your survey design to provide extra context or description to your respondents.
Insert an image into your survey by uploading an image file or specifying the URL of an image on the web.
Text A/B Test
Learn how respondents react to two or more different text passages. Enter the text variables you want to compare, then specify the percentage of respondents who see each message.
Image A/B Test
Learn how respondents react to two or more different images. Provide the images to compare, then specify the percentage of respondents who see each one.
Click Map
Get feedback directly on an image. Add the image to your survey and ask survey takers to click a certain spot.

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