Additional Research Methods

Private Sector Services


Understanding your customers is an important part of any business. Using especially quantitave data, InnoProbe Insight is able to tell you what you want to know about your customers; are your current marketing efforts working,;identify new opportunities and most importantly, how to please and win over your customers over your competition.

Name Testing

Applications/Use Cases

Branding is integral to the product itself. A strong brand name can enhance a brand’s image and leverage media spending. Conversely, a weak name can dilute brand imagery and confuse consumers.

Standard Approach

Quantitative research techniques (e.g., associative and communication exercises) are used to identify promising names for new products. Names are rated/ranked using techniques like concept screening.

Applications/Use Cases

As with a brand name, packaging is integral to the product. When on-shelf, it acts to remind consumers of its unique end-benefits.

Standard Approach​

Both qualitative and quantitative research is used to evaluate and diagnose product packaging. If packaging concepts (facings) are being tested, then techniques similar to concept screening can be used, followed by product testing.

Package Testing

Promise Testing

Applications/Use Cases

Also referred to as “benefit screening”, is a narrow variant of concept screening. The goal is to identify underlying themes that can be used to build compelling positionings for a new product, or a new product itself.

Standard Approach

Specific end-benefit statements are exposed to consumers, then rated and statistically reduced to a set of core themes. These themes can be used to build concepts from the ground up or incorporated into existing concepts or positioning and later evaluated via concept testing methods.

Applications/Use Cases

Pricing research is a variant of concept screening, in which reactions to the same idea at different price points are obtained. This can be executed as a standalone pricing exercise, or in the context of a broader new product development initiative.

Standard Approach​

A common technique used in pricing research is called the Van Westendorp method, in which a series of questions help to identify an optimal price. Other techniques include factorial designs and conjoint experiments. In all cases, price sensitivity curves are used to find an optimal price.

Pricing Research

Mystery Shopping

Applications/Use Cases

Understanding competitive activity, such as retail pricing, promotional offers, or more fully understanding a sales or marketing process, mystery shoppers can be deployed to fully diagnose what a competitor is doing that may be different from others in the marketplace.

Standard Approach

Mystery shoppers can be recruited to conduct store visits, perform shelf or in-stock assessments or price checks, pose as a prospective customer, or gather intelligence on what a competitor is doing.

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